Thursday, January 7, 2010

Summing up 2009

At the very begining of 2009 we were celebrating not so much the new year, but the fact that our one month old baby had survived a terrible case of RSV and MRSA. There was a time during that horrible ordeal that I feared he would die. I spent the first 3 months of 2009 at home not so much as going to Walmart or church at his dr's advice to try and prevent him from getting it again...or the swine flu which was a new scare.

I went back to work in Feb just one day a week because Lynn (Mamaw) had gone to live with Papaw in Florida while he was working. That worked out great until I was told I had to come back to work 2 days a week but it worked out that we got a babysitter for a few months.

We had Easter at my house with Dad, Judy, Jeremy, Tiffany, Jessica & Jordon. I did engagment photos for Jeremy and Tiffany at 4 locations!! Then seriously started considering photography as a career after seeing how well they turned out.

I spent the summer trying to start a business and did several jobs for people ranging from engagment photography, to kids, to weddings. LOVE IT!!!! Jeremy and Tiffany got married in June and had a gorgeous wedding! It is so wonderful to see Jeremy with such a great Christian girl! Tiffany and I went to Harding at the same time and have some mutual friends, but never knew each other. Small world huh? We love her!

Kailyn started REAL preschool in the fall this year and the realization that I just had months left with her before she would be gone all day every weekday until she was REALLY gone and out of the house hit me! UGH...that has really bothered me...and we started trying to figure out and weigh our options between private school and home schooling.

Lost weight, gained weight, back and forth to work, and school, and church, up early to bed late, the everyday laundry cleaning and errands for 5 people has blurred the days and months and they have flown by way to fast!!

The title of this blog site is Eubankspartyof5 for a reason. We went to eat at one of our favorite restaraunts in town after church one Sunday afternoon. When the host came over to ask "how many" I said 5. Fred said, "Jenny, Its just us!" I said I know! Me, You, then pointed at each of the kids said 3, 4, 5. He kindof laughed and said....."HUH....just never put a number to it I guess. 5!" Bless his heart. We have grown this family pretty quickly. Married in 2004 and by 2008 have had 3 children!

We had our very first Family Thanksgiving in the mountains in 2009 and had a great time! We stayed a week in a cabin in Pigeon Forge and plan to continue that tradition from now on! This year Dad, Judy, Jordon, Jeremy and Tiffany are supposed to come and all family are invited!!! I'd love to get one of those huge cabins for 20 people!!

Chirstmas was really special this year because we didn't have one last year! Christmas Day we were still in the hospital with Luke when he was just 3 weeks old. We came home shortly after that but had not had a chance to shop for Christmas presents and then after coming home were concerned and totally wrapped up in taking care of luke and myself still recovering from a C section. The kids had a awesome Christmas this year! Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Tiffany mailed gifts for the kids, we used any extra money we had for presents for them as well, in addition to buying a monster of a wooden playhouse/swingset for the backyard. It really was the best Christmas for me that I can remember! Dad and Judy came with Jordon and the kids had a blast. I'll always treasure the memories we made Christmas 09!!

The new year has started off great! Fred got to take off work to hunt with his brother and dad. Heather, Jody, Fred and I went to see Avatar in the Theater till 1 a.m. earlier this week and had a great time! Managed to be shot by a paintball on the way! Inhaled a meal at chilis before heading to the theater. Jody called fred Hop-a-long because of limping due to his bad knee! lol Hop-a-long...ha! that was funny uncle Jody!

Fred will have surgery in a few weeks to fix his knee and he's a bit nervous about that! But i'm thankful that it will be done by someone I trust and his recovery will be with the nurses I work with and have trusted with two of the kids (Kailyn/tonsils and Carsyn/tubes)

So come on 2010!!! Can't wait to see what's in store!

1 comment:

  1. It's fun looking back at last year...I still remember Baby Luke in the hospital, so helpless and tiny.
    I feel so blessed to have you as my sister now. 2009 was a wonderful year becoming a Myers. I can't wait to make more memories with you and your family! Love you!
